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The Neurohacker program is a series of steps to take to help integrate and stabilize your current level of development with your current reality and thereby providing a stable platform on which we can build the support structures of higher states of being to exist more often and readily.

The course has stages that we can pass through to ensure that we are ready for them. Some of these may be practices for the body and mind to prepare and cleanse ourselves for a clearer transmission of what is to come in later in the program.

- Firstly there is Introduction to Neurohacking evening (Streamed live, non-local)

This is to inquire if Neurohacking is for you.



the diagnosis serves to plot and chart out where you are at and what steps to take and what preparation you might need to do first before embarking on this journey. This takes form of a questionnaire and a series of biofeedback SCIO tests and perhaps some blood tests. We access for physical ,mental and emotional areas most needing attention.
This will help us scope and map our journey toward self transcendence.
*optional (1 day psychedelic immersion experience. opening your mind to whats possible)


4 week clean up, detox process in preparation for the first immersion experience.
Diet and Meditation practice tailored to your own specific needs.  This is determined form step 1.
Course Hand book and notebook.
Online talks and tutorial videos
Meet your guide.
Other additional technologies and practices to help facilitate where urgent healing is first required.
options may include. Theriphi machine, qualia, goal setting, Phyic-k, gratitude practice to mention a few.


This is a retreat away with facilitators, who like a shaman take people on an entheogenic journey to explore higher states of their own mind.
Take hikes in Nature and AWE at how nature is constructed and to provide the greater context for our new venture.
Learn to sync with a group experience.
Exploring trance and dance states.
Dream weaving: In the altered states is a guide and map is drawn up to help you retain some of the insight gained and help that integrate into a daily life. Build a bridge and hold the thread and keep the door open from one plane of consciousness to another.
Help imagining how your life can be conducted better practically with an enlarged understanding.


Committed Practices for a day to day life. (4 months)
Hardware: (body/brain)
- Meet your guide and  design your personal Neurohacking program.
Sleep, Diet, Gut brain axis, Movement, Supplements guide.
Additionally: Therephi, Micro-dosing, Trans-cranial stimulation, Qualia

Software: (mind)
Loading the integral operating system. AQAL

Wake up, grow up, clean up, show up
Meditation 1,2, 3.
Perspective taking, exercises.
Quantum Collapse- De Martini. Balanced perception.
Goal setting, Value clarity.
Biology of belief. Bruce Lipton. I change my mind! I choose how to perceive.
Psych-k Reprogramming the subconscious
Goal setting, Purpose and Alignment with your higher self
NLP? Cognitive Behavioural therapy.
Shadow work.


Weekly/monthly local meet-up group.
Online meet-up group
Format for the meeting to be established.
Help feel connected and share fears and concerns doing ones life differently.
Practice techniques to strengthen the bond and feel the care and concern of others.
Help each other act as sounding boards and share what they have learned and give tip where necessary.
Tips on how to integrate the understanding with family life.


2nd immersion experience.
They can be many versions of these offered by many other facilitators and shamen who understand the framework of the Neurohacker Lab program.
These may be Phyco-nautic explorations using entheogens and a discovery as to what works best for you.
Guided journey may include; Mushrooms( Phillisybin), LSD, MDMA, THC, DMT, Iboga, Ayahuasca, and more...

Phyconautic adventure tours.
Exploring deeper and deeper experiences and immersions intohigher states of consciousness with guided entheogenic trips.

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